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(802) 885-3220  x  211



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Homebuyers Workshop
June 2nd & 3rd
4:00PM – 8:00PM
Springfield, VT


RACLT Calendar

Armory Square Apartments Bellows Falls Restructuring
Proctorsville Green Housing Single Family Demo

    RACLT April 2007 Current Projects

    Armory Square Apartments

    On September 28, RACLT and Housing Vermont acquired the 74-unit Armory Square Apartments, taking over management of this landmark Windsor housing project. We are now planning for a total renovation and restructuring of this housing, with construction to begin late winter, 2008.

    This $17,000,000 project is the largest in RACLT’s history. It will result in 58 newly renovated apartments, undertaken with great attention to energy efficiency, improved livability, resident security and safety, and with a safety net of social services to help families improve their lives.Armory Square Information

    Bellows Falls Restructuring

    RACLT has hired a consulting architect to develop a plan for rehabilitation of 38 units of existing housing located in and near Bellows Falls, Vermont.

    Proctorsville Green Housing

    We are nearing completion of the Proctorsville Green Housing Project. The project entails the substantial rehabilitation of the Pollard Block with eight apartments and two commercial spaces, an update of the six-unit senior housing Freeman House, the construction of two new apartments (including one that is totally accessible to persons with physical disabilities), and the construction of four new townhouses for sale. Quinn Company of Rutland, Vermont is the general contractor. The project is scheduled for completion in February of 2008.

    The apartments will be affordable to working families in the community, and the Townhouses will sell for $150,000, and will always be affordable as workforce housing (affordable to families at or below the county’s median income) in our Homeland program. VHFA, VHCB, Efficiency Vermont, the Town of Cavendish, the Preservation Trust of Vermont, the Vermont Community Development Program and the USDA Rural Development 515 program have funded the project. The total investment in this project is $3,000,000.Townhouses Sale Information

    Single Family Housing Demonstration Projects

    RACLT’s “Build a House in a Weekend” on June 2 and 3, 2007 in Springfield, Vermont was a success. A modular house was delivered and then finished by RACLT staff, volunteers and area contractors, to be for sale to a lower income family.  

    In July, 2007, a house built by women inmates at the State Correctional Center in Windsor, Vermont was delivered to a site in Springfield, Vermont, and sold to a lower income family. RACLT purchased and developed the site, contracted for the completion of the house and marketed the house.


    Rockingham Area Community Land Trust
    90 Main Street, Suite 1
    Springfield, Vermont 05156
    (802) 885-3220
    [email protected]