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What’s New

Low Interest Home
Repair Loans Are Available!

Contact Paul Pinsent at
(802) 885-3220  x  211



Event Calendar

Homebuyers Workshop
June 2nd & 3rd
4:00PM – 8:00PM
Springfield, VT


RACLT Calendar



Contact Info

    Southeastern Vermont Revolving Loan Fund

    Administered by the Windham Housing Trust
    in partnership with Rockingham Area Community Land Trust
    Sponsored by Vermont Community Development Program

    What is the Southeastern Vermont Revolving Loan Fund?

    The Southeastern Vermont Revolving Loan Fund provides loans to low and moderate income families to make repairs necessary to bring their homes up to code and make them safe places to live. WHT’s Rehabilitation Specialist inspects your home for health and safety issues and deter mines what repairs are necessary. Then, we help you plan your project by getting quotes from reliable contractors. Finally, we finance the project at a low interest rate or no interest loan, depending on your income level. As you repay your loan, your payments are returned to the fund, making them available for future homeowners in need of home repair.

    Who is Eligible?

    All homeowners that live in our service area (see map) and have household incomes at or below 80% of the area median income are eligible to borrow funds for critical home repairs, either through WHT or their town program. Call WHT to see if you’re income eligible.

    We have special 1% interest loans for well replacement and coming soon we will be offering borrowers who make up to 120% median income septic repair assistance.

    How Does it Work?

    The Southeastern Vermont Revolving Loan Fund covers households throughout Windham County and Windsor County. The fund is financed by the Vermont Community Development Program. The fund continues to operate with the proceeds from loans repaid by borrowers.


    • Vermont Community Development Program
    • Town of Rockingham
    • Southeastern Vermont Community Action (SEVCA)
    • U.S. Rural Development
    • Lead Paint Hazard Reduction Program
    • Vermont Center for Independent Living
    • Council on Aging for Southeastern Vermont, Inc. (COASEV)

    Contact Information:

    If you live in one of the below-listed counties, you should contact the organization first to see if they can help you with a loan. If your county is not listed below, contact the Windham
    Housing Trust at (802) 254-4604.

    CountyContactOrganizationPhone Num. & Ext.
    Windham CountyTara BrownWindham Housing Trust(802) 254-4604 x 119
    Windsor CountyPaul PinsentRockingham Area
    Community Land Trust
    (802) 885-3220 x 211

    Rockingham Area Community Land Trust
    90 Main Street, Suite 1
    Springfield, Vermont 05156
    (802) 885-3220
    [email protected]