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Homebuyer Workshop
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Contact Paul Pinsent at
(802) 885-3220 x 211
Event Calendar
Homebuyers Workshop
June 2nd & 3rd
4:00PM – 8:00PM
Springfield, VT
RACLT Calendar

Services and Products
Financial Assistance

What is the HOC?
Rockingham Area Community Land Trust started the NeighborWorks® HomeOwnership Center of Southeastern Vermont in 1998. In 2004 RACLT partnered with Windham Housing Trust to expand homeownership center services throughout southeastern Vermont. The Center provides education, counseling and access to affordable mortgage products that assist first-time home-buyers buy a home. Each year we help 60-70 Vermonters buy their first home; 20-25 people get home repair loans; and help 20 – 25 people deal with mortgage delinquency and avoid foreclosure. Annually our workshops are attended by over 100 families.
The Center’s nationally certified staff provides unbiased information on home-buying, lending and resolving credit issues. Qualified buyers can then gain access to affordable mortgages. For lenders, real-estate agents, and insurers, the HomeOwnership Center offers mortgage-ready customers, standardized homebuyer education, time and cost savings, and access to special sales outlets including affordable single-family homes land-banked through the Land Trust’s shared equity program.

HomeOwnership Center Services and Products
The Center serves as a clearinghouse for home purchase information. A complete list of loan products and housing counseling services are available, as well as, a professional staff capable of providing the personal assistance you need.
Realizing the American DreamHomebuyer Workshop – Participants learn how to determine affordability, rebuild credit, reduce debt, become mortgage-ready, select an appropriate lender, pre-qualify with a lender, select a house, negotiate a purchase price, and access down-payment and closing cost assistance that can help them get the most home for their money. At least one eight-hour workshop is scheduled each month. More
One-on-One Personal Assistance – Our certified HomeOwnership counselors provide confidential assistance and work with each customer to develop a personalized home-buying plan.
Down Payment and Closing Cost Assistance – We have funds available to help buyers cover down payment and/or closing costs. Our workshop is also a requirement for many lenders’ and insurers’ assistance programs.
Shared Equity Homeland Mortgage Grant – We can provide grants up to 20% of purchase price for income eligible buyers interested in buying a home through the land trust. Grant recipients agree to a restricted resale price to create permanently affordable single-family homes. More
Home Rehabilitation Loans – We provide loans to help income-eligible buyers make improvements and repairs to their homes. More
Delinquency Prevention – Our certified HomeOwnership counselors provide confidential assistance to help anyone who is having trouble making ends meet and thus is in danger of falling behind in their mortgage. More

Loans and Financial Assistance
We can help you shop for the best possible mortgage and provide you with financial assistance so you can buy the most home for your money.
Conventional Financing – Products offered by local lenders such as the area community banks, mortgage companies, or the larger regional/national lenders.
Vermont Housing Finance Agency – Loans at competitive interest rates for eligible households.
Closing Cost Assistance for VHFA Loans – Loans to cover closing costs gaps on VHFA loans.
USDA/Rural Development Direct Loans – The loans made under this program are income sensitive and may subsidize interest rates over the life of the mortgage.
USDA and Other Federally Guaranteed Loans – The US Departments of Agriculture, Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development offer different guaranteed loan products depending on eligibility.
Community Land Trust Homeland Grants – For income-eligible households the Vermont Housing and Conservation Board (VHCB) offers grants of 20% of purchase price capped at $40,000 to serve as downpayment on properties that are then owned cooperatively with the Land Trust. Other provisions apply. More
USDA/Rural Development Subsidized Housing Rehab Loans – This source of funds is designed for very low-income households and seniors to help with critical home repairs.
Southeastern Vermont Revolving Loan Fund – The Windham Housing Trust and Rockingham Area Community Land Trust administrate the SE VT Revolving Loan Fund, which provides low-interest loans to income-eligible homeowners for repairs. More
Rockingham Area Community Land Trust
90 Main Street, Suite 1
Springfield, Vermont 05156
(802) 885-3220
[email protected]